Also stated was a desire to encourage teamwork and leadership that would be necessary for cadets once they left the college.
The objectives you agree should be turned into a working relationship that encourages teamwork and trust.
It also encourages communications and teamwork between the students.
I thought it was a fun diversion for a few hours, but as others have posted, they didn't do enough to encourage teamwork.
These missions are designed to be impossible to complete alone and encourage teamwork with other players.
Working in groups of 10 or 12 - computers are shared, to encourage teamwork - students arrive at a diagnosis.
The activities on board are designed to encourage teamwork, communication, problem solving and leadership.
Though players can operate alone, the level design is such that it encourages teamwork.
Such efforts are supposed to encourage teamwork between the two sides.
Q. How do the leaders of these companies encourage teamwork?