German propaganda encouraged black soldiers to turn against their "real" enemies: American whites.
As a member of PMO he encouraged Polish soldiers to desert from the Austrian Army and join newly created Polish formations.
It has encouraged soldiers to intimidate poor neighborhoods still loyal to him.
As soon as he rode out of earshot and tried to encourage other soldiers, they would resume their retreat.
He also encouraged Soviet soldiers to listen to the concert via radio.
Rather than taking away the treasures en masse, they encouraged officers and soldiers to loot and destroy as much as possible.
He encouraged soldiers to draw and paint to pass the time, and organized Baghdad Art Club in 1917 as a means of exhibiting and promoting their art.
Riding on their military victory, communists immediately launched another round of propaganda, political and psychological offensive aimed to encourage nationalist soldiers to desert or defect.
His job was to encourage black soldiers, who were then segregated, a situation he saw the government did not intend to end.
Officers observing the exercise also suggested that the major might have taken other steps before firing warning shots, since the shots might encourage Iraqi soldiers to fire wildly.