This approach, partly fueled by consumer demand, encourages biodiversity, local self-reliance and organic farming methods.
You can build on this confidence and encourage self-reliance by helping your child to develop the skills needed to dress themselves independently.
Organizers of the garden project hope the project will help beautify the community, provide a source of nutritious food, teach leadership skills, and encourage self-reliance.
Does it encourage dependence or self-reliance?
The programme is designed to encourage personal discovery, self-reliance, commitment, responsibility and service to the community.
"To the extent we can change any policy to encourage self-reliance, we'll do it," said one of the Mayor's senior advisers.
In contrast, "the Bureau of Education encouraged independence and self-reliance," and tended to have more respect for native cultures.
From childhood, she said, her parents encouraged confident self-reliance.
The open structure of free schools is intended to encourage self-reliance, critical consciousness, and personal development.
Mr. Gard argues that more money actually harms the program, by encouraging too much social work and too little self-reliance.