Crandall's attorneys acknowledged he opposed slavery but denied any intent or actions to encourage rebellion.
Everything about him said: you pompous little creature, of course we encourage rebellion, we're demons!
In 1707, he encouraged rebellion and the return of James by signing a letter suggesting the country would rise to support him.
The current emphasis on barricades and jaywalking laws, he said, could actually encourage rebellion.
With it, he had also controlled the television in the master suite, to speak with her and to encourage rebellion.
Not only had they liberated a substantial territory in the eastern part of Yugoslavia, but they encouraged rebellion all over the country.
Locke is anxious to defend his political philosophy against the accusation that it encourages rebellion.
Was Mr. Bush wrong to encourage rebellion against Saddam?
The League encouraged rebellion against parents.
In general, however, the American effort to encourage rebellion in the south has gone poorly.