But there are several significant differences between the baseball and hockey businesses that might encourage cautious optimism among fans.
The next morning, the sky was gray, but there were some breaks in the clouds that encouraged optimism.
The purchase encouraged optimism, but since then, some state residents have accused officials of walking what Shakespeare called a "primrose path of dalliance."
President Yeltsin's record does not encourage optimism about a deal, but a little nudging by Western governments might help it come about.
Classrooms are built with light and space to encourage optimism and a sense of belonging.
Smoke rose from the yard, which encouraged optimism within me.
These may be weak reeds to lean upon in hope that war can yet be avoided; and Washington's official attitude does not encourage optimism.
A book like "Small Victories" encourages optimism.
Unfortunately, recent statements from some people do not encourage optimism.
Goldman, Sachs officials vowed to encourage "greater comfort and greater optimism" among foreign businesses looking for trustworthy prospects here.