Here, he encouraged managers to meet together in small groups, to share their experiences and ask each other questions about what they saw and heard.
How does the Government encourage managers to start industries in Special Development Areas?
Explore your own strengths and weaknesses to help you improve your management style and encourage other managers to do the same.
That has encouraged managers who might have otherwise hired to resort to overtime or temporary workers.
But all four do encourage managers to use their discretion, particularly when last-minute trips are involved.
That may encourage managers to rely on leverage, or borrowed money, to maintain their returns.
Perhaps a subtle benefit of informal groups is that they encourage managers to prepare, plan, organize, and control in a more professional fashion.
The commission hopes this crisis will encourage workers and managers to accept the commission's findings as "facts" - and then to agree on solutions.
He is also trying to encourage lower-level managers to make more decisions.
Tyco said that an investigation had uncovered a corporate culture that encouraged managers to use accounting techniques to mislead investors.