The group is encouraged to bring out everything, including things they'd never admitted to themselves before, then other members provide support.
It encouraged further diplomatic efforts as part of the peace process, including the "six plus two" group and the international community.
More private enterprise would be encouraged, he said, including joint ventures with foreign companies.
Both boys were encouraged from a young age to develop an appreciation for the arts, including music, theatre, and film.
To encourage the development of new writers by every means, including competitions and awards.
"We spend a lot of time working with them on reading and encourage it in all courses, including science and social studies."
Students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities, including music, sports, and academic programs.
George's father encouraged all her interests, including those outside the realm of traditional femininity, such as science and baseball.
The tribes are encouraged to forge off the land for food, including fruits, wild animals, and fish.
Administration officials have been encouraged by several economic reports, including the increase in industrial production and housing starts in May.