This is the humour that does not heal, the sort that encourages hatred of outsiders.
This is a scene that encourages violence and hatred, but if you say something against anyone besides Christians it sends a lot of people into crying fits.
The Racial and Religious Hatred Bill would punish anyone who encourages or incites such hatred.
Led by Gerhard Frey, a publisher based in Munich, it encourages German nationalism and hatred of foreigners.
To heal a boil took more psychic energy than to encourage hatred.
But others say such talk encourages open racism and hatred.
Artists and writers were strongly divided on whether to encourage hatred for the enemy, which occasioned debates.
On 13 July 2005, she described the bill as one that would encourage hatred and violence rather than tolerance and accommodation.
Most Americans agree with the President's observation that "loud and angry voices" on the airwaves have encouraged hatred and violence in the country.