Bookmakers who encourage responsible gambling will close accounts where they see only large losses, unaware that the arb trader has made wins at other books.
It is unlikely that Congress anticipated such a profound social and economic fallout from its decision to encourage tribal gambling.
Ann Smith, a spokeswoman for Nabisco, denied that such promotions encourage gambling.
Organisations such as the Gambling Commission [1] have expressed concerns that Quizmania and similar programmes encourage gambling.
Both the elected chiefs and the controversial Warrior Society have encouraged gambling as a means of ensuring tribal self-sufficiency on the various reserves or Indian reservations.
Video games rated PEGI 12, 16 or 18 may contain content that encourages or teaches gambling.
Batista encouraged large-scale gambling in Havana.
This gentlemen's club was multi-functional, though essentially of a social and sporting nature, but its purpose was to encourage and enable gambling.
He goes on to make the key point that political, social and economic conditions in the aftermath of the Restoration encouraged excessive gambling, so much so that a Gambling Act was deemed necessary in 1664.
The Red Temple provides and controls much of the traffic in prostitution and drugs, although they also encourage free love, gambling, gluttony, excessive drinking, or anything else that one can derive pleasure from.