This approach will guide development to the best locations, encourage greener design and enable development to enhance natural networks.
Will the housing strategy encourage good design?
In 2013 a competition has been announced to encourage design of authenticated encryption modes.
"Actually, our mandate is to encourage contemporary design, not replication."
RNIB encourages good design to make websites, information, products, services and buildings accessible to people with sight problems.
The town board appointed the committee to encourage good design in the village in keeping with the streetscape study commissioned by the board several years ago.
We sought to strengthen Welsh Office planning guidance in ways that encourage good design, prevent abuse and minimise the environmental impact of necessary development.
This increases runtime efficiency, encourages robust design, and allows for better static analysis of programs.
Bukit View Secondary School culture encourages art and design with her students.
For municipal buildings, benefits are passed through to the primary designers/architects in an attempt to encourage innovative municipal design.