This gave us the worst of both worlds: too little supervision encouraged corporate recklessness, while the existence of these agencies encouraged public complacency.
Spellcheck and other tools I'm sure are helpful but also could encourage complacency and distract the editor from full engagement with the story.
The most obvious is that it would encourage complacency in future - a moral hazard that rewards reckless lenders and borrowers rather than punishing them.
"They have great value, yes, but they also encourage complacency."
Yet the risk of playing up good news, of course, is that it may encourage complacency.
Laurence Tisch, the president of CBS, also believed that compliments encouraged complacency.
Finally, wearing a facemask may encourage complacency.
The German misconception, on the other hand, encouraged first complacency, then strategic misjudgement.
The lack of a credible challenger alone encourages complacency in the ANC - with leaders perceiving no reason to shape up.
But he was not getting any younger, and age brought a dulling of the senses that encouraged complacency.