He also encouraged military cooperation between Turkey, Pakistan, and the Gulf states.
He encourages agreements not just between corporations, but also between governments on issues of energy security.
They also encouraged better coordination between teachers to avoid situations where students must prepare for several tests given the same day.
These are designed partially to encourage friendships and camaraderie between the students outside of the academic school day.
So isn't it a won-derful idea for you to encourage reading among your patrons, between loads?
A joint audit has a further benefit in that it can encourage more competitive between audit firms.
As an institution of higher education we encourage and promote free speech among and between individuals and organizations.
This is absolutely crucial if we are to encourage greater understanding between cultures in the Mediterranean region.
We must also encourage continued specific improvements in regional relations through firmer political and economic partnerships between the countries of the region.
Leaderboards are included to encourage competition both between friends and worldwide.