Nationally, the Federal law has encouraged banks to commit more than $7.5 billion in loans to poor communities.
A few years later the government encouraged commercial banks to sell their mortgage services and products.
There are new laws to encourage private banks, a stock exchange, independent newspapers and real estate development.
The countries want to devise ways to encourage private banks to step up their lending but have not yet settled on any, officials said.
He talked about an insurance fund the city was creating to encourage banks to loan to small businesses.
His first political pamphlet was about how to encourage national banks.
This could encourage commercial banks to offer lower interest rates for countries that are pursuing successful programs for economic change.
He also said steps would be taken to encourage Japanese banks to make more loans.
In the early 1970s, Indonesia's government encouraged small banks to merge and restructure.
It encouraged banks to lend to customers who were not creditworthy.