That said, we have encouraged all parties to get to the table.
They reiterated their commitment to seeking an agreement on a voluntary debt exchange for Greece and encouraged all parties to work in good faith toward this end with a sense of urgency.
In an accompanying order, Judge Joan B. Lobis, a state judge in Manhattan who is overseeing breast implant cases filed on the state level in New York, encouraged all parties to participate in those cases to participate with the panel created by the Federal order.
It is unfortunate that tribal conflicts persist in this day and age, hence why the TFG and Great Britain are greatly concerned and are encouraging all parties to open a peaceful dialogue.
Lack of air circulation due to heat and humidity during the summer months leads to higher concentrations of ozone, prompting the city to release "Ozone Alerts", encouraging all parties to do their part in complying with the Clean Air Act and United States Environmental Protection Agency standards.
We encourage all parties in Haiti to respect Resolution 822 of the Organisation of American States and to work towards a rapid political agreement.
A spokesman for Dr. Frist, Bob Stevenson, said the senator had "encouraged all parties to work this out as swiftly as possible."