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Further delays will only encourage other agencies to start meddling with the commission's business.
That is important because the move has encouraged other agencies to hope they might loosen Interpublic's grip on Coca-Cola's estimated $367 million in billings.
We prefer o do our own preliminary research and then to encourage only appropriate institutions and agencies to apply.
President Obama has encouraged agencies to use innovation challenges and prizes to promote open government and innovation.
More than two dozen countries - including Germany and China - have begun to encourage governmental agencies to use such "open source" software.
"But at least it didn't encourage agencies of the U.S. government to sue each other."
The goal is to encourage agencies that produce ads and TV commercials with text on screen to make them more readable.
The Justice Department is encouraging more agencies to follow suit as a way to overcome public distrust.
Other, it will encourage and assist organizations and agencies in States and communities to initiate and carry on.
As a general rule, we also want to encourage agencies, where possible, to generate more income for themselves, so they cost the budget less.