To encourage wide acceptance, Mr. Putin has been pitching the system during foreign visits, asking for collaboration and financial support.
They will encourage trust and acceptance between members, set the ground rules and ensure confidentiality is maintained.
He was a staunch supporter of social reform and strove hard to encourage greater acceptance of the excluded castes.
Advice on suitable weaning foods to encourage long-term acceptance of healthy foods, especially vegetables.
These traits will reduce user anxiety and encourage usage and acceptance of new technologies and systems.
The rise of artistic pluralism during the 1970's, she writes, "encouraged the development and acceptance of diversity.
It does not encourage bland acceptance of art; instead, it suggests that when art is taken seriously, its political implications must be as well.
It also tries to encourage acceptance of individual differences among youth.
Develop ideas on how to market current flexibilities, encouraging wider acceptance and use.
Referendums encourage short-term, self-interested views rather than long-term acceptance of responsibility.