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Maybe down here they have something you never encountered before.
Outside was a scene none of them had encountered before.
What made them walked on two legs, but it did not sound like something he had encountered before.
It was an intelligence, though of a kind she had never encountered before, and very powerful.
"They are like no other race we have encountered before," he said softly.
The fence appeared to be a common type he had encountered before.
It was more than a little strange, after the hostility they'd encountered only the day before.
The Marines themselves found the training more demanding than they encountered before.
The scholarly mind of his beloved was something he had never encountered before, either in man or woman.
The powers of these creatures were like none he had encountered before.
There was nothing to show that they had encountered trouble before this point.
We should encounter some evidence of Brakmaktin's power before too long.
It was quite as likely that the trap would be encountered before the end of the trail itself.
But most female math students reported encountering obstacles before college.
New parents have probably never encountered a diaper before their baby and will likely have many questions.
Spassky encountered him in a Moscow subway, just days before his death.
But he had appeared newly content, she said, when she encountered him a year or so before his death.
Duke encounters several stages of action before a final confrontation against an enormous end boss.
"I made you by a talisman given to your father in a chance encounter several years before your birth."
"I encountered one before dawn this morning and I wasn't dreaming."