But for years, Sarah Hughes also encountered pressure, the lure of millions and intense exposure without slipping into a teenage wasteland.
Mr. Cifuentes, 52, started at Wachovia in July 2003 and began encountering pressure from investment bankers the following February, his lawyer said.
Off alertly from the inside post, he encountered only mild early pressure from Landyap and set a slow pace of 24 1/5 and 47 4/5.
However, he encountered pressure from many political movements, who finally forced him to resign on November 6, 1997, in the midst to the Asian financial crisis.
Despite encountering political pressure on several occasions, daCunha's agency has made it a policy of not backing down.
The BBC's more popular stations have encountered pressure from the commercial sector.
This rigid system encountered tremendous pressure in the 1970s.
Having encountered pressure from the mainstream successes of their first two albums, the band self-imposed a 10-month hiatus.
Japanese officials expect to encounter American pressure to lower interest rates, but there were signs that they would resist as long as they could.
During drilling, the well encountered enormous pressure - almost 25,000 psi (172,369 kPa).