You see, while they were shopping, they encountered your friend, M. DuVille.
As soon as a software developer tries something unusual, they stand a good chance of encountering our mighty friend - The Bug.
We stopped at the crumbling Maya ruin over a dramatic drop to the sea, then proceeded homeward, encountering our machete-wielding friend.
There, Sara encounters her old boyfriend, Dennis and his friend, Red.
And looking round, disturbed by a vague presence at his left shoulder, encounters his friend.
Shouichi encounters his old friend and teacher and fights an Unknown at night and reaches Burning Form, but goes out of control.
It was about dusk, one evening during the supreme madness of the carnival season, that I encountered my friend.
The genocide horrified the Geometers, and they vowed to make any other race they encounter their friend (whether they want to or not).
"It is the strongest piece of metal you will ever encounter, my friend," the shopkeeper announced.
In 2008, he encounters his old friend, Yu So Sum, who was finally about to begin working as a doctor.