He allowed his regiments no rest, but sent them feverishly to new lands in the north, and again they encountered disaster.
He set off in 1909, and encountered disaster when his ship, the Janthina Agatha, hit ice in Cumberland Sound and sank, losing most of its cargo.
If any agent encountered disaster in following orders given to him by The Shadow, that agent's safety became the only consideration in The Shadow's mind.
Then the fleet had encountered disaster: an entire ship, cargo, and crew lost hideously to a wormhole mishap.
The odds of encountering grudge-inducing disaster are always highest when a restaurant first opens.
This Ptah had apparently encountered physical disaster of cataclysmic proportions.
The burst was followed immediately by the sound of breaking glass and the tortured sounds of a fast-moving vehicle encountering unavoidable disaster at high speed.
In areas held by Episcopal troops, every Praman effort encountered disaster.
If I encounter disaster I want no more lives lost.
Among ruined temples and ancient, stepped pyramids, they encounter danger - and almost disaster!