This time officials hope to encounter fewer complications and cost overruns.
Talks about acquiring Royal Zenith began early last year, and quickly encountered complications.
Doctors like it because patients who encounter immediate complications awaken quickly enough to be saved.
Strether is to bring the young man back to the family business, but he encounters unexpected complications.
The mothers may also encounter complications or difficulties at birth; they have a higher risk of anemia than mothers aged 20-24.
During his recovery, he encountered physical and psychological complications and chose to stay at home instead of attending Yale.
Brown encountered complications from his broken leg early in 2007 which ruled him out for the first half of the season.
They had met more or less in the center, where they had encountered complications.
We've encountered complications from the enemy that will require,some aggressive initiative on both your parts.
The procedure usually takes five to six hours, but he encountered several complications.