Bengough No. 40 was also incorporated January 1, 1913 serving 337 rural residents within its area encompassing 1,036.91 square kilometers.
Afro-Eurasia encompasses 84,980,532 square kilometers and has a population of approximately 6 billion people, or roughly 85% of the world population.
The smallest emirate, Ajman, encompasses only 259 square kilometers (see figure).
The town encompasses 25.2 square kilometers and is located on the southern flank of a hill called "Haarstrang".
The geography of the country extends from north to south, encompassing 4,000 kilometers.
It encompasses roughly 1500 square kilometers, and despite abundant rain, supports almost no vegetation.
A vast confederation of city states that encompassed almost four hundred square kilometers.
The area encompasses approximately 550 square kilometers on the banks of the Nemunas River.
More than 73 percent of the area is forested and the town encompasses 17.5 square kilometers.
The Lielupe River basin encompasses 10,690 square kilometers within Lithuania.