Since then, the eurozone has increased to encompass 17 countries.
The cruise encompasses four countries, West Germany, Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia.
It encompasses 105 countries with a combined population of more than one billion people and includes a landmass extending more than 14 million square miles.
Because Eastern Europe encompasses many countries with diverse political histories, three typologies apply to this region.
The Middle East, a region encompassing 19 countries with 319 million people, has gone relatively unnoticed by the fund managers swarming over the world's other emerging markets.
It counts approximately 1,200 public and private corporations and other organizations as members, encompassing 60 countries.
The was planned to encompass 21 countries and nearly 25,000 miles in under 75 days.
The Middle East encompasses nearly 20 countries.
This is an initiative which encompasses 27 countries from both sides of the Mediterranean.
This initiative encompasses 14 countries with a population in excess of 200 million.