She was the wife of Orpheus, who tried to bring her back from the dead with his enchanting music.
Each night Tegid filled the hail with the enchanting music of his harp.
Jenise became breathless, unrestrained with the movements as the enchanting music flowed through her too.
Even the enchanting music, including a couple of songs written and performed by Genji Ito, cannot galvanize it.
Yet there is enchanting music in the score, especially the rhythmically brittle and harmonically exotic scene at the emperor's court.
And I swear you'll melt from the combination of the gorgeous visuals and enchanting music.
Here the dancer put a mask on his head and dance to the rhythm of the enchanting music.
It made an enchanting music.
Yakshagana mesmerizes each and everyone in the audience with its enchanting music and colorful performances.
But his insistent fragments and sentences compose an enchanting music.