I ask Congress to enact new safeguards for 401(k) and pension plans.
However, other states have barred physicians from selling drugs they prescribe, and others have enacted strict safeguards over the practice.
Hence, no people may be denied the right to maintain undisturbed their previous racial stock and to enact safeguards for this purpose.
While some states have enacted safeguards, there is a clear need for Federal rules that would apply to all states, particularly as more health information flows across state lines.
Calling the list "the reverse of the presumption of innocence in our criminal justice system", the court ordered the state to enact greater procedural safeguards.
This policy soon forced every other nation to enact similar government-guaranteed safeguards to persuade its citizens and their wealth from emigrating to America.
As this is an EU regulation entering directly into force in Member States, they will have no opportunity to enact stricter safeguards.
"We've asked the Klingon forces to enact similar safeguards but Martok is hard-pressed to cover them all," Ross added.
The state could then require companies to enact additional safeguards based on the recommendations.
She said Japan also promised to enact safeguards against anticompetitive conduct in the telecommunications services sector.