It enables victims of domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault to take paid time off to recover from incidents and seek assistance from the police or court.
They are to wear orange suits to make them visible, and money is being provided to enable victims who want to do so to confront the people who torched their homes or looted their businesses last week.
I have introduced legislation in the New York State Senate (S. 3190) to remedy this grievous fault, enabling victims of domestic violence to take both civil and criminal action.
After deploring sexual harassment during the debate on Clarence Thomas's Supreme Court nomination, the Senate is about to consider legislation that would enable victims of the practice to sue and collect damages.
It remains to be seen whether the decision will set a legal precedent and enable remaining victims, not just of the Schmidts, but of all fraudulent developers in Spain, to claw back their losses.
The publication of the names of those who died enabled victims of previous incidents and outbreaks of E. coli from around the US to find one another.
We have tried to come up with rules enabling victims of such environmental problems to enjoy the maximum protection possible and preventing the sort of environmental dumping to which the Commissioner referred.
It is an essential and important step in enabling victims to reside or stay wherever they want in the EU and thereby be included in the freedom of movement.
The mechanisms facilitating access to legal aid, enabling victims to assert their rights anywhere in the European Union must not and cannot be provided free of charge.
In addition, last year, she introduced H.R. 394, which supports American victims of Iranian-sponsored attacks and actions by enabling victims to prosecute their claims in U.S. courts.