They are allocated period and subject categories, enabling fast retrieval of information under various combinations of headings.
This construction enabled quick installation under oil-rig at any season.
This enables the great grey owl to accurately locate prey, even under two feet of snow or in a tunnel.
Acclimating enables the body under stress to become an efficient cooling system.
They called on the law to act, enabling them to shelter under its wing and feel secure from interminable court actions and claims.
Launching systems must enable the lowering of the lifeboats under 20 of list and 10 of pitch.
This added bond, he argued, enabled teamwork under conditions under which an organization might otherwise break down.
Furthermore the Opera Class has a location at its disposal, which enables performances under professional conditions.
With innovation enabling an economy's success under these conditions, research has become a key driver in economic performance.
The idea has been to enable the collaboration of scientists with complementary background in the interdisciplinary area of agrobiotechnology under one roof.