In late 2010, the Central Office began a major data migration that will enable greater remote oversight and tracking by volunteer leaders.
Requirements to be in place for a minimum of 5 years to enable tracking of the health of Folds over time.
Organization Registry: A collaborative "Who is doing what, where" tool which enables tracking of the relief organizations and other stakeholders working in the disaster region.
If you want to use the site, we'd be happy to provide you with its features, but you're going to have to enable tracking.
The term license management refers to broad platforms which enable the specification, enforcement and tracking of software licenses.
It therefore enables better tracking on the rear wheel.
A reportable food registry to enable tracking of contaminated foods to their sources.
The satellite is also equipped with a laser retroreflector to enable tracking by ground-based lasers.
Live cell imaging enables in vivo tracking of proteins in space and time, in their natural endogenous environment.
We need you to enable tracking of you while you're here because it makes that big a difference to our revenue.