It provides robust data, which enables us to decide on a range of policies.
This is an approximate figure that will enable you to decide whether you can complete form R85.
This will enable you to decide what precautions you should take to prevent that harm from occurring.
But does this enable us actually to decide in each case which predicates do and which don't apply to the item concerned?
It will enable you to decide upon a list of goals for weight change, exercise, and food change.
The vote expanded the power of republics in local elections, enabling them to decide for themselves how to organize voting.
If a positive match is made, prospective donors are given further information enabling them to decide whether to proceed.
The report does not mention the need for a democratic provision, once again, to enable people to decide whether immigration is justified.
This procedure would have led to wait until the end of hostilities to enable it to decide.
Before that time I must explain enough of our work to you to enable you to decide voluntarily to join us.