Karman also developed the "super coil" abortion technique, which he believed would enable lay practitioners to perform second-trimester abortions with little training or equipment.
The prompting system aims to enable general practitioners to structure diabetic care without setting up miniclinics.
This type of study has enabled practitioners to achieve experimental progress without the overwhelming work of designing a group comparison study.
Rather than working as a company or a producer, STRUT offers infrastructure support to enable individual practitioners to create and produce their own work.
To enable professionals, practitioners, social workers and others working in the field of both licit and illicit drugs to gather information easily.
The department focuses on important matters that impact communities and the profession, enabling practitioners to better compete in today's global economy.
As the pharmacopeia became more complex, so did the medical education that enabled practitioners to deal with it.
The company develops mobile applications that enable medical practitioners to view patient data in near-real time and displayed on a smart phone or tablet.
The IRS is committed to enabling all taxpayers and practitioners to comply with their tax filing obligations.
This 'comparative' trend enabled practitioners to underline their work with 'generalist' potential.