There are more than 2.1 billion Java ME enabled mobile phones and PDAs.
It's anticipated that mobile carriers will be making it easier for drivers to use near-field communications (NFC) technology enabled mobile phones to pay for parking.
It was describes as an "anonymous casual sexual activity with any partner arranged over Bluetooth radio technology enabled mobile phones."
A data plan for V-Cast enabled phones without VPak charges for any data are $1.99 per MB.
In August 2005, police in Cambridgeshire, England, issued warnings about thieves using Bluetooth enabled phones to track other devices left in cars.
During dry weather, the ground connection often developed a high resistance, requiring water to be poured on the ground rod to enable the telegraph to work or phones to ring.
For an MP3 player, songs must be stored before the user leaves their computer, but with 3G enabled phones the device is not separated from the source.
Flash Lite 1.1 was also released, enabling mobile phones to play Flash content.
Access technology such as screen readers, screen magnifiers and refreshable Braille displays enable the blind to use mainstream computer applications and mobile phones.