The course structure has an integrated testing system which enables effective assessment and monitoring of a child's progress.
In the coming year, we will be tightening up the process for logging ad complaints, to enable closer monitoring and ease of analysis.
These institutions enable collective negotiation and monitoring of the wage and price agreements.
This enables more sophisticated monitoring of the driver's alertness.
These abilities in conjunction enable accurate monitoring of drug distribution and biokinetics simultaneously.
Finally, a baseline is established, which enables financial monitoring of the project.
The primary purpose of these data is to record assessment decisions, to support decision-making by management, or to enable monitoring of quality to occur.
This enables monitoring and control of machinery from several shipboard locations.
In fact it enables monitoring and follow-up of the quality of products, based on reacto-vigilance measures.
This enables remote monitoring, control, and troubleshooting of the special-purpose system.