The Chairman called for a Digital Literacy Corps to enable thousands more public libraries to hold in-person, basic digital literacy classes and allow schools to do the same after school hours (teaching Americans how to search, use e-mail, utilize parental controls, upload a resume, etc.).
Such a standard enables archives, museums, libraries, and manuscript repositories to list and describe their holdings in a manner that would be machine-readable and therefore easy to search, maintain, exchange.
In 2008, TED made available the TEDx brand, a program that enables schools, businesses, libraries or just groups of friends to enjoy a TED-like experience with events they individually organize, design and host.
Its goal is to enable academic libraries to deal with multimedia objects just as easily as with textual information.
A converter for Inmos's TCOFF run-time system interface to the COFF industry standard, which enables Occam modules and libraries to be linked in is also provided.
Subsidizes telecommunications services, Internet access and internal connections to enable schools and libraries to connect to the Internet.
In 1970, Whorf formed the company Mike Whorf Inc. which enabled many schools, libraries and individuals to purchase cassette tape copies of Kaleidoscope programs for personal and educational use.
Darling's work enabled academic libraries to establish or add to preservation programs without having to invent their own plan.
Internet II would give researchers the bandwidth they need to enable distance learning, digital libraries and on-line collaborative research.
As I believe that this is rooted in ignorance, my position is that we change the Copyright Directive to enable libraries to continue their work and increase their educational role as a promoter of equality, and one that represents wisdom and justice, in today's information society.