Mr. Banta said joint ventures would prevent costly staff duplication by enabling institutions to share therapists and other skilled personnel.
Such financial innovation enabled institutions and investors around the world to invest in the U.S. housing market.
Medical Act enables (but does not require) institutions granting medical qualifications to allow them to women.
Knowledge of how to operate in the relatively unrestricted European markets could be vital to enable Japanese institutions to survive.
The goal is to enable companies and institutions to implement e-commerce by agreeing to a specific profile and thus eliminate the need for bilateral implementation.
There is a good argument for amending clause 28 on Report to enable institutions such as those in Croydon to bid direct.
In practice, it has enabled institutions to often get better prices than they could get trading through Nasdaq or a stock exchange.
Those measures essentially enabled institutions to engage in any lending practice they wanted.
These new programmes will also enable institutions in the fields of education, training and culture to improve cooperation.
This will enable European institutions to take action.