Cybernetic brain implants enable humans to fuse their minds with AI's.
Somehow, despite whatever enabled humans to achieve total power, they were unable to keep it.
They bestowed upon them mystical objects, known as Jeno, which would enable ordinary humans to exercise powers to their own.
The ability to construct conceptual metaphors is neurologically based, and enables humans to reason about one domain using the language and concepts of another domain.
Many Talents lost their lives to secure the world peace which enabled humans to turn their energies and hopes to space exploration.
In the Health department research focusses on enabling humans to live in a condition of full physical, mental, and social well-being.
In the second hour tomorrow, you can learn all about mutations, the random errors that have enabled humans, animals and plants to adapt and endure.
The brain evolved to its large size because its information-processing capacity enabled humans to band together and increase their chances of survival.
This view of the past enabled humans to include internal time in their life activities, as a result of which they also started to grasp logic.
Long ago, stress enabled humans to outrun tigers, bears, and other predators.