Distributed graduate seminars - seminars that enable students and faculty from nationally or globally distributed universities to remotely collaborate on a research project.
One benefit to universities is that incubators enable students and faculty to get involved with what Mr. Pederson calls "real-world problems."
In addition, the school has implemented Google Apps for Education, enabling students, faculty, and staff to utilize Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, and Google Sites.
The entire campus now has high speed internet connectivity, enabling faculty and students to connect anytime-anywhere in the campus.
This design enables faculty, administration and students to interact with one another on a daily basis.
In 2004, the entire campus incorporated wireless technology enabling faculty and students to use laptops throughout the school.
Herberger Institute Community Programs projects enable students and faculty to interact with the public through meaningful partnerships.
Has not gone unnoticed for college would enable faculty to participate in scientific conferences.
The Pontifical Catholic University in Rio just announced that it is compressing its school year by two weeks to enable students and faculty to leave campus and be by their television sets on June 20.
The classrooms and lecture halls have state-of-the-art electronics enabling faculty to provide multimedia presentations including computer imaging.