As a result, productivity grew, which led to increased profits and enabled employers to pay higher wages.
Most of the workers are unauthorised, enabling employers to evade tax and British employment law, and make big profits.
It's about closing a loophole that has enabled employers to get away with active discrimination.
Note that this enabled employers to run two 'shifts' of child labour each working day in order to employ their adult male workers for longer.
This clause came into force on 1 November 1984 to enable trade unions and employers enough time to organise ballots.
America's Job Exchange offers live phone, email, and online technical support enabling users and employers to get the assistance they need.
It extends live phone, email, and online technical support enabling users and employers to get the assistance they need.
Germany also has new rules enabling employers to fire workers in the first two years.
Ms. Shriver predicts that the identification cards some employees wear at work will soon enable employers "to track your every move."
However it is important to be clear that Compact is not a mechanism for enabling employers directly to influence the curriculum in schools.