L Map This monthly indoor market enables more than 100 local artists and designers to display and sell their work.
Root developed the floating raft system, which enabled designers to build large, steel-frame buildings on a reinforced concrete foundation, a necessity in Chicago's moist soil.
The new technology has lowered the cost and increased the speed of creating and using type, enabling graphic designers to manipulate text in novel ways.
In addition, software innovation has enabled sound designers to take more of a DIY (or "do-it-yourself") approach.
Congressional experts said the choice was made because the older explosive was lighter and more compact and enabled designers to put more warheads on the missile.
It enabled designers to calculate statically indeterminate frames of reinforced concrete.
MSE enables designers to model and analyze very rapidly a wide range of design options for a mission whose science goals have been defined.
This opportunity enabled designers to develop fourth-generation designs - or redesigns - with significantly enhanced capabilities.
Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium enables designers to deliver ideas that captivate audiences in print, online and on devices.
His contributions to laboratory control systems have enabled designers to reduce energy usage of a business while maintaining worker safety.