Management responsibilities are structured to ensure the effective delegation of authority, enabling decisions to be made promptly and efficiently.
Some are presumably adaptive, for example, because they lead to more effective actions or enable faster decisions.
Basic data is essential to enable decisions about the detailed nature of further investigations.
The framework helps managers determine the prevailing operative context, enabling appropriate choices and decisions.
Responsibility may be avoided by using the rulebook, although the rules are established to enable efficient decisions and actions.
Such trends may enable different decisions to be made and lead to new action.
This could enable decisions by the Council to achieve visa-free travel for the most advanced countries by the end of 2009.
We want a scientifically sound concept for measuring the consumption of resources to enable appropriate political decisions to be taken.
The Commission's response to this suggestion surprises us because it says that we lack the legal framework to enable such decisions to be taken.
This enables informed decisions and ensures that all options are explored to their full potential.