A series of low-power chips is expected, which, because they do not require big batteries, will enable portable computers to get smaller and lighter.
Such a contextual framework is intended to enable computers to understand and reason with data, thus making way for more intelligent data handling methods.
These marker sites define the intervening sections, enabling computers to pick out which particular section a group of patients has inherited more often than expected.
One day, I.B.M. said, they could enable small computers to forecast weather or recognize human speech.
Other scenes were shot against a blue screen, enabling computers to remove the image of the puppeteers later.
The development of simulated neural networks in the 1990s had already enabled computers to test ideas and learn from experience in ways similar to humans.
Silicon Graphics will introduce circuit boards today to enable personal computers to display three-dimensional images.
Radio communications might enable personal computers to offer information like maps or guidebooks for travelers.
Dr. Samuel developed a program that enabled computers to compete successfully with champion checker players.
In other words, processes to enable computers to understand and communicate in human language, whether spoken, written, or published.