Inappropriate use of the item may cause considerable damage or may enable further unauthorized acts (theft of car keys, stolen building access keys, identity theft)
After 10 constitutional conventions and three statehood enabling acts passed by the Virginia legislature, Kentucky was admitted as a state on June 1, 1792.
Garrard approved enabling acts creating twenty-six counties; no other Kentucky governor oversaw the creation of as many.
For example, enabling acts often establish government agencies to carry out specific government policies in a modern nation.
The effects of enabling acts from different times and places vary widely.
These enabling acts were unconstitutional, as the Weimar constitution did not provide the possibility that one organ (parliament) would transfer its rights to another one (government).
The actual bills would effectively be enabling acts allowing for the implementation of the pre-drafted legislation.
It is based on agreement between the Council, Parliament and the Commission, and enables legal acts that have been amended several times to be consolidated into a single legal act.
Most federal agencies are created by Congress through statutes called "enabling acts" which define the scope of an agency's authority.
In the interim, the British parliament periodically passed enabling acts with respect to amendments to Canada's constitution; this was never anything but a rubber stamp.