The empty trailers were wheeled after them, clearing the flight deck entirely.
But they are buying more fuel, and few sit around anymore waiting for loads to fill their empty trailers.
We don't want to take an empty trailer bumping along behind us for miles.
Many families took along empty trailers for salvaged belongings, but left with only a bag or two of possessions, the rest having been ruined.
There was no front garden as such, just a paved parking space, an empty trailer sitting there.
I waved again at the Montgomery twins as they were leaving, their trailer empty, headed home for another load.
We pulled our empty trailer back to the farm, and I picked cotton until quitting time.
That empty trailer would only remind her how truly alone she was.
The man walked back to his pickup truck, an empty trailer hitched behind it.
Upon seeing an empty trailer, he sentences the Hong family to death.