But this time he would get there first, and she would find the empty pedestal.
The contrast between these fine places and the empty pedestals of Houston's towers should make it obvious why design guidelines are necessary.
He dreams of the marble lady, that she alone has an empty pedestal among the statues.
"Now it's just an empty pedestal, and I miss it."
However, standing in the center of the room was an empty pedestal, as if waiting for something prominent to be placed there.
The spy walked into the office past all the art and the empty pedestal at the center of the room.
The empty pedestal there now is plain wrong, these people say.
He raised a mechanical arm, pointing its sharp end toward the empty pedestal.
It was clear to see where Baggage was headed: straight for the empty pedestal.
They stood there and laughed, staring at the empty pedestal from which a statue of Lenin had just been removed.