I pulled into the empty driveway, wondering how much longer Paul would be at the hospital.
"There's no comparison between my car and yours," she growled, then gave the empty driveway a startled look.
Roark stood alone in the empty driveway, looking at the building.
He heard nothing, but that didn't mean any more than the empty driveway.
At the last minute I drive on through the lot, parking instead across the street in somebody's empty driveway, under a clump of trees.
After what Rodriguez had told me, I'd expected an empty driveway.
Sarah, her attention diverted from the window and the empty driveway beyond, stared up into the housekeeper's face.
Steve parted the window curtains and looked down at the empty driveway.
About two hundred yards away, I point to the empty driveway of a messy little rambler.
The first thing I noticed as we approached my house was the empty driveway.