I made a great show of placing the empty casing into the chamber next to the barrel and closing the action.
The car bucked, empty casings rattled down by my feet and I saw troops diving for cover.
Last week they found him trying to climb into an empty casing for a photo torpedo.
Bending down, she picked up the empty casing, studying the date.
He laughed and kissed her hard as the last of her empty casings spun, ringing, onto the firing range.
'Actually,' she said, putting her hand into the book's empty casing and lifting a little of the paper-dust in the bottom.
'We marked every place where we extracted a bullet or found an empty casing,' Oliver explained.
The empty casing leaped from the breech and clattered down onto the deck.
The barrel unscrewed for loading and removing the empty casing.
Once the first stage had used up its fuel you leave it behind so you're not having to push the empty casing.