But in the confusion I managed to crawl into an empty lower bunk out of the way.
They were lifting the man from the stretcher to lay him on an empty bunk.
This time next week, you're going to be an empty bunk.
Arms raised, Klagg sank back on the only empty bunk.
When enlisted men ship off to war, they leave behind empty bunks in the barracks and relatives who pretty much know what to expect.
His eyes moved across the narrow room to the empty bunk opposite his.
Chernov wandered over toward the barracks and found an empty bunk.
If the medical bay is filled, we'll end up with five empty bunks that could have held ship's crew.
She seemed to be working her way into the infirmary, for there were already many empty bunks at the front of the room.
And even then, there'd be an awful lot of empty bunks in flight crew territory afterward!