She was, of course, a lonely figure in an empty ballroom.
Valerie asked, grabbing Betty in the almost empty ballroom.
She stood for a moment looking through into the empty ballroom, admiring the exquisite plasterwork and huge chandeliers.
White curtains frame an onstage pianist in an empty ballroom.
More people set off more rhetorical fireworks outside the mostly empty ballroom where the hearing took place.
The police said there was also no damage to the empty ballroom.
Twelve tall men invaded an empty ballroom, went over plays and listened to their coach.
His first idea was to present an empty ballroom glittering with crystal and candlelight.
Mr Slant walked across the floor of the empty ballroom, his feet echoing on the wood.
But before even breaking the good news to Ronald, Roger hurried straight upstairs to the empty ballroom.