Now the the second point raised by the County Council is the their concern that residential development will be unsynchronized with employment development.
Opportunities that could be advanced through comprehensive planning for employment, housing, waterfront development and other areas.
Now that the Nation will be in control of its own affairs, the biggest challenge will be to provide skills & employment development in addition to direct investment.
Covenant House offers youth skills assessment, educational services, youth advocacy and leadership training, and employment development.
The encouragement of high-tech industry in Bangalore, for example, has not favoured local employment development, but has, instead, increased land values and forced out small enterprise.
Merabishvili said his program would be focused on the three key priorities: employment, agriculture development and availability of healthcare.
In other employment developments, the Governor announced a $9 million grant for career training, which would assist school-age youths.
The Commission recently presented dramatic figures for employment development and the employment situation both in the European Union and the euro zone.
We must seize this opportunity and do everything possible to safeguard economic growth and employment development.
This organizational structure permits the CBDC to play a direct and active role in employment development within their jurisdiction.