But it is within the jurisdiction of the employment commission and is expected to stand.
Last Wednesday, a three-member panel, chosen by the company and the employment commission to monitor the plant, issued its second annual report.
The resolution of the employment commission's concerns removed a significant obstacle to the approval of the settlement.
Filing with the employment commission is a necessary first step in most workplace racial and sexual harassment proceedings.
The party, acting through local employment commissions, controlled all job assignments.
Several other federal appeals courts had accepted the employment commission's more relaxed view of the 180-day requirement.
Two years later, he became the head of the employment commission, which is charged with enforcing Federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on race and other grounds.
Ms. Billingsley now works as director of financial and resource management services at the employment commission.
Both witnesses said they had taken their cases to the employment commission and had received no help.
And even the two cases that prompted the employment commission's ruling are still in the administrative process.