Government agencies at various levels require employers to withhold income taxes from employees' wages.
The employer must withhold payroll taxes from an employee's check and hand them over to several tax agencies by law.
Federal income tax need not be withheld from the worker's pay, although some employers do withhold it.
If you are an employee, your employer probably withholds income tax from your pay.
But, for most workers whose employers do not withhold their taxes, the possibility of having to pay is another reason to avoid filing.
But, especially in the booming construction sector, employers often withhold workers' pay, sometimes much longer, to solve their own cash flow problems.
Your employer will typically withhold income taxes from your paycheck.
They remain self-employed; employers could withhold the hated taxes from their pay.
Your employer should withhold taxes from any wages you earn for working in the United States.
"An employer won't withhold info on a star employee," she said.